Bounce rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of visits to a website in which people only viewed one page of the site without clicking on anything. These kinds of visits are called single-page sessions and their duration is considered 0 seconds. Bounce rate is calculated by dividing the number of single-page visits with the number of total visits to the website.

In addition to the overall bounce rate of a website, the bounce rate of each page is also an important metric. It is the percentage of visits where people land on that page and leave the site without interacting with the page. Like a webpage’s bounce rate, it is calculated by dividing the number of visits that start and end on that page with the number of total visits that start on that page.

Bounce rate shows how effectively the webpage engages visitors. High bounce rate indicates that the website does not attract the continued interest of people. However, the average bounce rate differs depending on the type of the website. For blogs, dictionaries, and news sites, the normal bounce rate is 65 to 90% since the user can get the information they came for from the landing page. However, for e-commerce sites, this rate is 20 to 45%. Higher bounce rate than that indicates that there are a lot of visitors who do not convert. Finding out what causes people to bounce can help to increase the conversion rate.